lunes, 20 de julio de 2009

Un Chileno accidentado

Esto apareció hoy en la pagina de Sarah Walker

20th July, 2009

Had sprints this morning followed by a pretty relaxing afternoon. Rode around and visited a couple of people from my home club (Rotorua) and chilled out there for a while before going for a ride to the pump track again.

When I arrived at the pump track and trails, a rider from Chile was in the back of an ambulance with a suspected broken collar bone. I had a little play on the cruiser there before riding back to the room to get ready for some spaghetti bolognese across the road.

No se de quien pudo haber sido, ojalá este bien y se recupere para el Mundial.

En el blog de borie aparece que opazo y lopez quedaron afuera por caidas, ojala esten bien.

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